I have been inspired to save water after reading what measures and restrictions are in place in Australia. I thought rain barrels would be a good place to start. I live in a semi arid local and am somewhat opposed to using drinking water for the lawn. I thought the wooden barrels in the front and the cheaper plastic for the back. Trying to be thrifty my manthing hunted for barrels on craiglist and came across a guy selling them for 15$, we just had to add a faucet and over flow valve. It took an afternoon of following simple directions or these, voila cheap rain barrels. Now we are just waiting for the rain. We have had short storms that steam away, wetting the roof but not a drop in the barrels. I am hoping to be successful with the rain barrels as our neighbors thought we were a bit out of our minds. I guess even in arid Colorado people are not that water wise. This makes for a good starting point.