I love herbs and learning about them, I love that herbs are approachable. I started the herbal section in the home library in the early 90's with a lovely title that had everything in it from the garden, the kitchen and the medicine chest. It is a great reference, but I never did more than page through it. The directions are clear and I was afraid to make a mistake. I continued to be interested and continued to grow my library for years before I stumbled upon learning herbs. I can't remember what got me there but I signed up for the free courses and the newsletter and have not looked back. I started making herbal remedies when I received the herbal medicine making kit and still do. After much consideration I even joined herb mentor. So what changed me from a wanna be herbalist to an active maker and user of herbs? I think I have John from Learning Herbs to thank for it. His approach to using and learning about herbs is simple, one herb at a time gaining experience and adding one more herb. His new webinar herbalninga is fun and informative, similar to the supermarket herbalism series from learning herbs with added info and the help of Rosalee de la Foret. I feel empowered with the knowledge I have gained, I now feel confident, I feel like I want to shout about it from the mountain top. Lucky for everyone we have the handy web for sharing ;-) My dream is an herbal revolution with people empowered to look after their own health and make their own medicines and I can talk about my love for the dandelion in public without people backing away slowly. Imagine sharing recipes for dandelions at the market. Check out the herbalninja webinar you will love it!!
I'm off to check on my dandelion flower oil....