I love this title!
"How to rescue America from moral decline- one family at a time" by Reb Bradley
A treat from the book:
"it is no surprise... Passion driven people are drawn to the liberal parties, including the sexually promiscuous, criminals, pornographers and drug users."
this statement floors me. i had no idea that Rush Limbaugh was a liberal!
And on the back:
"this important book provides the foundation for understanding the cause of our country's problems, including the financial crisis of 2008." senator orsini
I paged through this book, reading tidbits. It is so last year in the time of dividing the nation between us and them. Real america vs the liberal left. I think his thesis is flawed and that the book is filled with ridiculous generalizations, like the one above that only the liberals have drug users and criminals and sexually promiscuous. I think both conservatives and liberals have people that can fill those lists.
PS Im sorry I cannot figure out how to fix the html when it is published on the iphone
i see spaces and centering, but it isnt publishing that way :(